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John Dowland Tabs
The Frog Galliard
John Dowland
My Lady Hunsdons Puffe
John Dowland
Lachrimae Pavan
John Dowland
A Fancy P.73
John Dowland
My Lord Willoughbys Welcome Home Duet
John Dowland
Can She Excuse?
John Dowland
John Dowland
The Right Honorable Robert Earl Of Essex His Galliard
John Dowland
John Dowland
Mr Dowland's Midnight
John Dowland
Melancholy Gaillard
John Dowland
Sir John Smith, His Almain
John Dowland
Come Again
John Dowland
Come Again: Sweet Love Doth Now Invite (transcribed from "The First Book of Songs," 1597)
John Dowland
I Saw My Lady Weep
John Dowland
Queen Elizabeth's Galliard
John Dowland
A Coy Job
John Dowland
The King of Denmark, His Galliard
John Dowland
Orlando Sleepeth
John Dowland
A Fancy P-6
John Dowland
Go From My Window
John Dowland
Piper's Pavan
John Dowland
Now O Now I Needs Must Part
John Dowland
Tarleton’s Resurrection
John Dowland
What If A Day
John Dowland
The Sick Tune
John Dowland
Dr Cases Pavane
John Dowland
Lady Hunsdon's Puffe
John Dowland
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home
John Dowland
Mrs Winters Jump 2
John Dowland
Robin is to the Greene Wood Gone (transcribed from the 'Folger Manuscript,' ca. 1590)
John Dowland
Fortune My Foe
John Dowland
Lady Hunsdons Alman
John Dowland
Lady Laiton's Almain
John Dowland
Round Battle Galliard
John Dowland
Mrs White's Thing
John Dowland
Mrs. Nichols Almain
John Dowland
John Dowland
The King Of Denmarks Galliard
John Dowland
Mrs Nicols Almain
John Dowland
Forlorn Hope Fancy Chromatic Fantasia
John Dowland
Clear Or Cloudy
John Dowland
Mrs Winter's Jump
John Dowland
Lord Strang’s March
John Dowland
John Dowland
Awake Sweet Love
John Dowland
The Right Honorable Robert The Lady Rich Her Gailliard
John Dowland
Lady Hammonds Alman
John Dowland
Captain Digorie Pipers Galliard
John Dowland
Mistress Winter’s Jump
John Dowland