Standard (EADGBE)

/: 224432

  : 022434 > 020104 is a little easier, but that is how he plays it.


If I was a poet

Or maybe a king

Then I could explain to you how my heart sings

Whenever I look in your eyes

Like a hummingbird trapped in my chest, I would say is

Just how it felt on that glorious day

When I first, when I first saw you

Together we'll know true freedom

From all earthly constraints

Dissolving brilliance, Bright colors

In the picture God paints

Here take these pills

 I don't know what they do

And I've already swallowed more than a few

I promise your mother she won't even notice they're gone

And what was that song that Youth Minister Ted

Sang after his sermon

It's been stuck in my head

The chorus went, it went something like this

Together we'll know true freedom

From all earthly constraints

Dissolving brilliance, Bright colors

In the picture God paints

The popular kids that ignored us at school

Will whisper our names as the tears fill the pool

We'll look down upon them and laugh

As rosy cheeked angels join us in cheers

Where no one is lonely and there's nothing to fear

I wish I could go there right now

I wish I could go touch you right now

Together we'll know true freedom

From all earthly constraints

Dissolving brilliance, Bright colors

In the picture God paints


If I was a poet

Or maybe a king

Then I could explain to you how my heart sings

Whenever I look in your eyes