Standard (EADGBE)


 Can you tell that I'm planning prevenge?

 Read my mind, yes, I'm planning prevenge

Chorus Part 2:

 At the freak show,

 in the front row,

 mi amigo,

 lost in the sound.

Verse 1

 Now you know that the girls are just making it up,

 Now you know that the boys are just pushing their luck

 Now you know that my ride doesn't really exist,

 and my name's not really on that list.


Can you tell that I'm planning prevenge?

Read my mind, yes, I'm planning prevenge

Chorus Part 2:

Fully Moto

On the headfo

Rock the info

The micr-type king


Calling Mr. Pupkin

to join us at the love-in

Because Pupkin comes alive

 When prevenge is the plan

 See Pupkin take the stand.

Chorus Part 2:

Tired of Waiting

Tired of watching


Parading around

Now you know that the girls are just making it up,

Now you know that the boys are just pushing their luck

Now you know that my ride doesn't really exist,

and my name's not really on that list.


Can you tell that I'm planning prevenge?

Read my mind, yes, I'm planning prevenge

At the freak show,

in the front row,

mi amigo,

lost in the sound.

Can you tell that I'm planning prevenge?

Read my mind, yes, I'm planning prevenge

Can you tell that I'm planning prevenge?

Read my mind, yes, I'm planning prevenge