Standard (EADGBE)



It all began on a rainy Sunday in New Orleans,

 Thats when our hero had a baby, a girl she would baptize and keep

Who in turn would have a baby before she'd turn 18

 Who in turn went fuckin' crazy trying to make ends meet

 Who in turn would take a dayjob and at night would turn to the streets


(And we)

Knew her as a Vampire, the last one of our mold

We knew her as a Vampire, lost and all alone

We were at St. Bonaventure on the day she sold her soul

The sky was dark and the summer breeze grew cold


In the day, she was a research assistant for Professor McGee

 Who was famed for bein part of a growing suburban elite

Who rested on their laurels on some feigned suburban mystique


Dressed like a Vampire she ran out on her own

Straight through the sunshine to the darkness of her home

She thanked JD Salinger for the endless stream of quotes

Everytime she stumbled through his prose

She thought about this boy we used to know


(from a long long time ago!)


Raise all Chords)

 Who died in a war for the Empire so they mailed his medals home

Who cut a deal with Lucifer who raised up all his bones

Who dressed like a salamander with his multicolored clothes

But all-in-all he was a safe suburban clone!

And when you're a Vampire you're always on your own

When you're a Vampire they won't leave you alone

When you're a vampire you're always on your toes

When you're a Vampire you're owned!

And I've been feelin like a vampire!


For the solo

Sorry, I don't really know how to tab, so I'm only going to do a little)