Capo 7-th fret
Standard (EADGBE)
(then both guitars start in on the song's main chords,
capoed guitar playing)
, , (half measure each):
{ F#min } x2
(A gets 1.5 beats, E gets 2.5 beats,
F#min get 1.5 beats, D gets 2.5beats)
Ahhhhhhhhhhh gaping wound tells the story of it all
A man lost only to find what was left of his mind
with no hope of a scar at all
you say go slow
But somethin's right behind me
Can run away for only so long
It will not stop, I will come down,
(each chord now gets one measure)
oh no, Let me find my way
I'll take you to the edge
Go across that window
And I'll carry you there.
Ohhhhhh, when nothin' goes right.
Ohhhhhh, when days don't come to night
Ohhhhhh, when all I see
Is the error of my own enemy
(then go back to to introB where both
guitars play chords together.)
Song repeats the same thing through next verse, and guitars
jam on the intro for a while at the end.