Capo 3-rd fret
Standard (EADGBE)
I must leave you for a season
Go out logging hardwood timber
Hardwood timber that grows so low
In the forest of Fennario
Tell me what you need to live, love
Do you ask that you might own?
Take my blue-eyed hound to guard you
I will make my way alone
I will not return in winter
If I be not back by fall
Seek me when the small sunflower
Grows above the garden wall
Fare you well and I would not weep |
Bid you tend your prayers to keep |----Chorus
Hill by dale now must I go |
To the forest of Fennario |
(same chords as previous verse)
Nine-month blew with sleeted rain
And still he came not back again
Summoned she the hound to go
To seek him in Fennario
He came back the fated day
To find his lady gone away
Made haste to follow in her track
Where she could go but not turn back
At her side the blue-eyed hound did bay
While fast her breath did fade away
She cried out: Turn, my love, and go
I would not have you see me so
(instrumental break - same progression as verse)
I shall not turn, I shall not yield
Oh, selfsame serpent sting my heel
That bleeds my ladys blood away
Beside the blue-eyed hound to lay
Angels sing their souls to sleep
Four winds grace their breath to keep
Up above yon garden wall
Stands the sunflower, straight and tall
<chorus x="" 2="">
Hill by dale now must I go
To the forest of Fennario
(From Deepest End live album/DVD. It would be cool if somebody tabbed the banjo
solo for guitar
<hint hint="">