Capo 2-nd fret
Standard (EADGBE)
Even though I know you're wrong
I can never win
disappointment I must bear
underneath my grin
Pre Chorus
There in the darkness from the stage
the sting in my tail
Hori- zons rise and fall
and shadows grow so pale
creatures that come out to play
go home to stay the night
things I got so worried about are
working out just fine
Pre Chorus
I don't re- member in the end
it's useless to dwell
'cos nothing good is true unless
you find out for your- self
old men be warned
he can't be helped
all those who went be- fore
you can't be helped
it's not your fault
it can't be helped
young men
Their i- magination knows no bounds
as far as I can see
there's a love that can't be found
un- til you set it free
Pre Chorus
In the spotlight on the stage
the sting in my tale
Hor- izons that rise and fall
and shadows grow so pale
old men be warned
he can't be helped
all those who went be- fore
you can't be helped
it's not your fault
it can't be helped
old men
even though I know you're wrong
I can never win
everyone's son thinks he's the best
they make it all up a- gain //
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