Standard (EADGBE)



we were born with sun in our teeth and in our hair

 when we get bored we like to sit around, sit around and stare

 at the mountains, st the birds, at the ocean, at the trees

 we have fun, we have fun, we have fun when we please

 we wake up with the sun in our eyes

 it's no surprise that we get so much done

 but we always, yes we always, always have fun

 yes we always, yes we always, always have fun

why would you live anywhere else?

why would you live anywhere else?

 we've got the ocean, got the bay, got the sun, we've got the waves

this is the only place for me

 so leave the cold behind

 we're gonna make it to the beach on time

 yeah leave the cold behind

 we're gonna make it to the beach on time

why would you live anywhere else?

why would you live anywhere else?

we saw the ocean, got the bay, got the sun, we've got the waves

this is the only place

this is the only place

this is the only place

this is the only place

this is the only place for me